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How to create a MYM Creator account?

Dec 2, 2022

In recent years, several new social media outlets have come to the forefront and are gaining more and more followers. One premium network that has been gaining popularity lately is MYM Fans! This French site offers fans and business clients the opportunity to subscribe to the site of a model and also various stars and have exclusive access to their photos for a monthly subscription fee. How to become an MYM Creator yourselfTo reach this large community, we reveal in this post. 

What is MYM?

mym home page

As already mentioned, MYM is a French website that allows celebrities, mainly models, to put their pictures online for a monthly fee and sell them that way. MYM stands for "ME YOU MORE" and thus represents what this site is really all about: both fans and other interested parties can buy pictures on exclusive pages quasi meet "in person" models, stars and other interesting personalities.

All they have to do is log on to their sites to access the premium content, which is hidden behind a paywall, and thus pay a fee to unlock that content. 

Who is MYM for?

MYM has two sides. On the one hand, this social platform for so-called "MYM Creator", who can upload and publish their images there for free, as well as have the option to create an exclusive page that cannot be seen by the public and charge a monthly fee for it.

These include the following personal profiles:

  • Prominent
  • Public figures
  • Models
  • Professional photographers
  • Amateur photographers
  • Talented individuals

In general, this site is suitable for all people who want to sell their pictures online.

On the other hand, the so-called "MYM Fans" the opportunity to have exclusive access to their stars, including models, singers, actors and presenters, for a monthly fee. However, can also find images by category of private individuals, models and photographers that suit their particular tastes.

Requirements to sign up as a Creator on MYM?

The only basic requirement to be able to register on MYM as Creator to be able to register is to be of legal age. As with many other international sites, especially if financial transactions are conducted on this one, it is necessary to be over 18 years old to be able to complete the registration process.

Since MYM has its own payment system, which is the Transactions between MYM Creators and MYM Fans and image content of various kinds is sold, only adults have access to this site and must submit a copy of their ID card. This is for the sole purpose of verifying the age of the person wishing to register on MYM, in order to protect both the models and the fans.

Furthermore it is from Advantage of already having other social mediato quickly and easily increase the number of followers on your MYM Creator page. You may ask yourself why?

The answer is simple: The faster you gain many subscribers to your MYM Creator page, the faster you will be able to earn a good monthly income and the easiest way is other social media where you already have a lot of followers. They can easily be invited to your new MYM Creator page via publications on your profiles and reach it directly via a link.     

Of course, this is not a mandatory requirement and you always have the option to start your MYM Creator page from scratch and become just as successful. It will just take a little longer.

How does MYM work?

I have already explained in general what MYM is all about, but the exact way it works and what different areas and programs there are, I will now explain to you in detail, so that you can perhaps even today at Register MYM as Creator can.

Private area

In the private area, you can upload your images as a MYM creator. You can set a fee for your content, which will be made available to the interested public by means of a monthly or even annual subscription. This area is the most important area on MYM, because Fans and customers pay for exclusive material and there you can be in direct contact with a model, a star or another interesting person.

In addition, fans have the opportunity to make requests (for a fee) and place orders for certain images, which are eventually executed by the creator and sold directly. This gives you the opportunity to increase the monthly income by quite a bit. Of course, these requests can also be rejected. However, if you accept them, the commissioned image or video must be delivered within 72 hours.

Even though you can upload the photos or videos you want in the private area, the content is reviewed before it is approved, which usually takes around 24 hours. Because even though nudity is allowed here, for example, other inappropriate content is blocked to ensure the best user experience for everyone.

Thus, MYM guarantees fans high-quality images and videos and will remain a premium network.

Public area

The Public Area also contains images, but can be seen by anyone for free. I also recommend to make the public area as interesting and attractive as possible, because it can be used for advertising purposes. This means that in this area you can give a taste of what a fan and therefore a potential customer can expect in the private area. However, no nudity may be shown in this area, if that applies to your images.

Media Push Messages

Since the purpose of MYM is to provide individuals with the opportunity to Pictures for sale onlineThere are also several features integrated on this page that help a creator promote his paid page and specific content. One of these features is called "Media Push". These are messages that can be sent privately to multiple subscribers at the same time, offering specific images directly. The recipient of these messages then has the option to directly purchase access to an image.

In this way a MYM Creator can address his fans directly and increase its revenue easily. Currently, media push messages are among the most effective ways on MYM Fans to sell more images. 

The Superstar Program

For Creator it is worth to invest in the so-called Superstar program to get there. This is a program that allows the best active creator on MYM gives the opportunity to enjoy various extra benefits. These include, for example, an 1% higher commission for subscribers, a star that marks a profile as "Premium" and appearing in a Superstar filter that fans can use to find the best creators.

The requirements to get into this program include regular uploading of new content (at least twice a week), fifty active subscribers, and a response rate of 90% to direct requests from fans for personalized images. Also, the account must be certified.

These are generally not difficult requirements to fulfill and give you an interesting opportunity to promote your activities on MYM and find even more subscribers.

Ambassador Program

Another interesting program is the Ambassador program. This gives anyone who recruits other models to the site 10% of the revenue generated by that model on MYM. If you have a few talented and aspiring models to MYM you can create an interesting additional income.

Advantages of using MYM

MYM Fans stands out from the many social media outlets on the market because it is a Premium network is and since its creation very many positive reviews has received. The big advantage is that you as a model can sell your pictures there, because they are valued there and build a network of fans and potential customers who will further support you in your work.

A special protection for Creator

On the Internet, there are various ways to illegally distribute images if you are not the owner of these images, using screenshots, etc., because protected images cannot be downloaded from MYM with a right-click. However, the website not only protects creators from these hackers with various measures, but also prosecutes those who distribute material from MYM's protected pages on the Internet without permission.

privacy mym

The MYM team works non-stop to track down copied content and remove it from the Internet. People who are registered on the site and distribute images without permission will be blocked directly and will no longer have access to MYM.  

How Creator is promoted

In addition to the thousands of members on the MYM platform, MYM's profiles on other social media reach millions of people around the world, giving you the opportunity to appear with your images in one of these profiles. If your picture meets the standard requirements of the editorial team, you can get the chance to become the face of one of these campaigns.

Being promoted by MYM in this way could be your breakthrough and multiply the number of subscribers to your Creator page.  


It is very simple create a MYM Creator account. You just need to enter your details and upload a photo of your ID card. These will then be verified and as soon as you are approved, you can start at MYM to upload your pictures. Even though the website was made specifically for models, today it is a platform for almost everyone.

Anyone who takes interesting pictures and wants to publish them regularly on the Internet and, best of all, earn money with them, should create a MYM Creator account. It's simple, safe and lucrative. 


  1. What does MYM mean?

MYM stands for "Me You More" and is a platform that allows models and other public figures to sell their images for a monthly or annual fee.

  • Is MYM only for models?

MYM is not only for models and celebrities, but every person, including photographers and hobby models, has the opportunity to offer their pictures to a large audience on this platform.

  • Can you earn money with MYM?

Yes, you can earn money with MYM. You need to find as many subscribers as possible for your MYM Creator page who are willing to pay a monthly fee for your images.

Written by MYM Influence

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