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Everything you need to know to sell your photos on MYM

MYM is a new premium website that allows you to offer your images to a large community for a monthly or annual fee. If you don't have any images for sale yourself, but would like to have a large number of exclusive photos to choose from as a visitor, then we invite you to MYM Fan and register on this French website. There you will be directly in the Contact with artists, models and celebrities can stand and see pictures and video footage that is not public.

However, if you are a talented model or photographer yourself, on MYM you have the opportunity to offer your photos to an exclusive audience willing to pay for these and new projects. In this post I'll tell you everything you need to know to sell your photos on MYM. 


mym home page

 The most important facts about MYM.Fans at a glance

  • Official name: MYM Fans
  • Website:
  • Purpose: Premium platform to sell/buy photos online
  • Suitable for: Models, photographers, celebrities, artists, athletes, actors etc.
  • Languages: German, Spanish, English, Italian, Russian, Polish, Portuguese, French
  • Possible means of payment for Creator and fans: Bank transfer, PayPal or cryptocurrencies

How does MYM work in detail?

The idea behind MYM Fans is to provide a premium platform where fans can get exclusive access to pictures of models, celebrities and interesting personalities for a monthly fee. On the other hand, this means that anyone who wants to share their Sell images online would like to do this via MYM Fans.

The page has 2 sections:


The public area:

The public area is accessible to everyone and everyone can see the pictures published in this section. The creator has the opportunity to give a brief insight into his or her work and show how he or she works as a model, photographer, etc.


The private area:

The private area is behind a paywall, which is overcome by paying a fee set by the Creator. This brings advantages for both sides, because the creator has both the possibility of a receive monthly salary for his work as well as accept private orders from his or her fans, which he or she can accept or decline. On the other hand, fans have the possibility to have access to non-public images of their stars and models or to find images to their liking or even to commission special photos or videos.


How to become a Creator on MYM?

It's very easy and intuitive to register as a Creator on MYM and to Earn money to be able to do so. You simply have to register with your data and upload a copy of your ID card. This will be checked for age of majority and within 24 hours the profile will be activated.

As a creator, you can already start uploading images and videos to your public and private page and configure them according to your wishes.

Advantages compared to other platforms

There are some advantages of MYM compared to other social networks that have a similar purpose.

On the one hand, MYM is a premium network and offers a High quality content protection that you upload to your page. In addition, all content is also reviewed before it is published on the site and any images that are somehow stolen from the site, despite the protective measures, will be tracked by a legal team and immediately removed from other platforms. MYM ensures that all images on the page are safe.  

MYM also offers some support programs for Creators and helps them increase their monthly income.

Another advantage is that MYM has its own payment process and does not have to rely on third-party providers to correctly and quickly handle the various payment processes on the website.

mym creator

What are the costs for Creator?

Creators, i.e. models, celebrities, photographers, etc. pay nothing for the first time to create a profile and start their own page on MYM. Only when you earn money with your pictures, a commission is charged on them. That means you have a very low risk and you can try your luck for free at first. If everything works then, the commission will be deducted automatically. The payment scheme is as follows:

MYM collects the following percentages as commissions:

  • 25% on revenue from subscriptions
  • 20% on revenue from personalized images
  • 10% on tips

On many similar websites and social media, much higher commissions that reach the 50% mark are charged and thus MYM is especially beneficial for aspiring models and influencers and you can start earning money on MYM without much risk.  


What are the costs for fans?

Visitors have the opportunity to visit the Website free of charge to use if they do not want to see more than the images in the public area. All paid images from the private area are blurred and will not be displayed until the visitor pays for them.

The cost of this varies greatly, as it depends on the influencer, model, or each creator what price they charge for their subscriptions. Prices for custom images are also set by the Creator.

6 Tips on how to make money on MYM Fans as a Creator

With these 6 valuable tips, you can easily earn money with your pictures on MYM Fans. I will explain them to you in detail in the next point:

  1. Regularly upload high quality images
  2. Advertise on other social networks
  3. Quick response to direct requests
  4. Regular contact with MYM fans
  5. Superstar program
  6. Ambassador Program


Regularly create and upload high quality images

MYM is about images and they should of course appeal to a large audience and please them. For this, it is important to regularly upload good images to your site that justify a subscription or a certain price. I recommend you invest in good photo shoots and video shoot productions for this. Pay attention to backgrounds, an interesting and advantageous posing, storytelling, the necessary accessories and a lot of creativity. You can do it yourself or with a professional team.


Advertise on other social networks

If you're already active on other social networks and may even be Influencer you can earn great revenue on MYM by advertising your MYM profile on other sites. The more followers you bring to your MYM page, the more you can earn.

Of course, it is also possible to start directly on MYM, but it will take some time to build a fanbase that will give you an acceptable monthly income enables.


Quick response to direct requests

An important point of the social network is to bring fans in contact with their stars by paying them to get closer to them over a certain fee. Therefore, it is important for creators to answer their fans' requests as soon as possible.


Regular contact with MYM fans

As mentioned before, the fans are the basis for you to earn money with your pictures on this site. Therefore you should use the Regular contact with your fans nurture. Another way to get even closer to them is a Live video to shoot in order to address fans directly in them. Only subscribers can participate in these videos and even tip during these sessions.


The Superstar Program

MYM itself has several programs that help with this Promote their Creator. This includes, for example, the Superstar program. That is, if you are a good creator, you have the opportunity to become part of this program and be marked as a premium creator with a star. Besides, it has commission benefits of 1% and you can appear in a superstar filter where fans can find the best creators.


The Ambassador Program

You can also take advantage of the ambassador program, through which you recommend the site to other models and photographers. When they eventually start earning money through MYM, you can collect 10% of their earnings for yourself and boost your income by quite a bit.

What is the payout process for Creator?

There are a few basic requirements to cash out the money you earned on MYM.

For one, you must have earned at least 50$ in order to cash out, but this can be done on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

You must also have a certified account, so your Identity must be verified, you must have at least 1 fan on your page, have at least 5 pieces of content, whether videos or photos uploaded to your page, and your contact details including mobile number, as well as your bank account must be confirmed. All in all, these are standard guidelines that are present on similar sites where payments are processed.



MYM is one of the emerging social networks in the world and already has over 7 million visitors per month. But this number continues to increase regularly. As described, it offers several advantages compared to similar providers on the market. The growing community and a pleasant and protected environment help to earn money comfortably with your pictures and to increase your income through various programs.



  1. How much can I earn with my images on MYM?

It depends on the number of subscribers you have on your MYM account. The earnings can range from several hundreds to several thousands of euros.

  1. Is MYM better than other social networks to sell images?

MYM has proven to be more beneficial for models, photographers and celebrities to sell their images profitably and in a protected environment.

  1. What types of images are allowed to be sold on MYM Fans?

You can upload the images you want to your private page. However, the images that are shown publicly on your page will be reviewed by an editorial team, who will check them for nudity, for example.

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